This week members of team KODING are getting hacked!

It started when cca3w12 posted an MotD stating:

(cca3w23 lost all of their cash)
Then the next day Jarvis Typer posted an MotD:

Then yesterday me and -MidnightWarior- lost 1m of our NT cash.
I reported this to NT and they responded the following:
Hi, Players must make sure they set a secure password and never share login information or ever enter their login credentials on another site that is not Nitro Type (in hopes of using a script or bot).
(Name omitted to respect their privacy) from NitroType
Please change your password to a stronger one in hopes the hackings will stop.
All officer promotions are temporarily suspended and after this, our team is no longer a top 100 team. Please try to race and restore our team to the leaderboard.
Please note: if you use Google to generate or save passwords it is not %100 secure (most of the people hacked used Google).
I might be safe using Mac generated passwords: I don't even know my own lol. It uses Touch ID
If I could I'd send cash to everyone who got hacked. BTW what is Google Safe?