If you ever won the Wampus, he gives you $50k in NT Cash but imagine if you could instantly get 80 times that... $4m in NT Cash... A very generous NT Gold Officer from our team KODING named "dabadoodle456" decided to do just that; give $5m to whoever races the most this season ("Back 2 School")! By racing the most, you will help our team get higher on the leaderboard and get yourself a chance to win $4m also you have the 1 in 10 chance to race the Wampus to get an additional bonus as you are working on improving your typing skills! In doing so you will unlock this new season tiers to earn cash, cars, titles, and trails!
In this competition, the person who races the most this season will get $4m in NT cash. Now that's amazing generosity!!! Please note: KoalaKoding and dabadoodle456 do not count in the comp. Dabadoodle456 did not choose the amount of cash, instead (to be extra fair) he just posted a MotD saying he thought of a number 1 through 5 and asked the team to guess it. Most people voted 4 so the comp is $4m!
Have fun racing and enjoy the the season rewards! :)
Im racing a lot more now O.O
Thank you dabadoodle456, we really appreciate it…🙏
I'm going to race more!