New's anchor Koala: New Updates Now At 9
New's anchor Koala: Hey there and welcome back I'm KoalaKoding and in this Special Addition report coming out of Scratch there are a few important developments premiering now at 9 only on Kody's Scoop!
New's anchor Koala: First lets go to Kody on Scratch for a new development
Kody: We have some very sad news developing from Scratch. TDS_NOT_A_PRO's district blocked him from Scratch so he will not be able to access the Scratch website. If you commented to him and he didn't get back to you that is why. This is very sad because he had just reached 100 followers.
New's anchor Koala: So, we have more developing news details now at 9!
Kody: NoNameBiker and Cca3w12 have release voice reveals congratulation team KODING on achieving top 300!
New's anchor Koala: Thats some big news!
Cca4kz (aka. cca3w12)'s voice reveal:
NoNameBiker's Voice reveal:
New's anchor Koala: And now for the last story today, Kody.
Kody: Last Friday Scratch's server was down for about 5 minutes.
New's anchor Koala: Well, that's it for today! Thanks for tooning into Kody's Scoop!
News Anchor KoalaKoding: Not again!