Two weeks in the making...
KoalaKoding presents, "Deluxe Checkers"
This is our first game that offers both a one and two player mode for both PC and mobile! :)
Click/press and drag the checker pieces to move your player. Eliminate all opposing player pieces to win.
How to Play Checkers:
To start, move one of your checkers that doesn't have a checker in front of it forward, either diagonal left or diagonal right. But, you cannot move your piece forward or directly next to you (in this game the highlights show you where you can move when you click or tap your piece). When you have an opposing checker piece either diagonal left or right (without another checker piece diagonal behind it) you can jump that piece and the piece goes away. If you jump a piece and your piece lands you diagonal left or right of an opposing piece (with out another checker piece diagonal behind it) you can jump that piece (that is called a double jump). But, be warned the other, player can also jump your piece if you are not careful about piece placement. You can do a double jump but not a triple jump in this game. When you reach the top of the board (for the brown piece) and the bottom of the board (for the beige piece) you become a king, and can go both diagonal right and left forward and diagonal right and left backward! The person who has the last remaining checker wins! A draw happens when there is no more moves available for one player (for example when a player has one piece and gets surrounded in a corner and cannot move).
Thank you for playing! Make sure to like and favorite this game. Also, feel free to remix this game as well! Please follow us for future games!
Play the game at: